Maxisoft Anti Acne & Anti Pimple Soap 75 gm

Maxisoft Anti Acne & Anti Pimple Soap 75 gm

Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹157.00.

Maxisoft Anti Acne Soap possesses herbal actives with excellent anti-microbial, anti acne, antiseptic, antioxidant, cooling and astringent properties that will not only reduce excessive sebaceous activities but also relieve skin blemishes. Maxisoft Anti Acne Soap also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties that aid in the treatment of pimples and minor skin lesions caused by bacteria. It protects the skin from sun damage and decreases the appearance of age spots such as fine lines & wrinkles.?

SKU: 20718
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